Proposal | RetailTechPodcast

Retail Tech Podcast Interview Proposals

Please complete this form (desktop recommended for time being) to submit your guest for an interview, we'll follow up with next steps.

1. If you are a PR agency you can complete this form for each of your proposed guests. We're adding more automation soon so you don't have to keep entering your info but for now please bear with us.

2. If you are not a PR agency you do not need to complete the PR section.

3. Also to note is our focus this year on GenAI applications in front of and back-end operations and experiences so make sure to highlight that in the pitch.

4. Our interviews are not marketing focused, meaning we want to get into how the technology works as well as the benefits to customers, please keep this in mind when recommending guests.  

5. Submission does not guarantee an interview, however we will seriously consider all submissions and if there is a fit there is a good chance.


We look forward to having you participate on the podcast!

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