Dynamic Yield is a “personalization platform" for creating one-one commerce experiences.
A SaaS platform that allows omni-channel retailers to treat users based on who they are and change the experience best to each individual customer.
DV: How do you specifically personalize the experience?
LA: we help customers demystify what is possible first. By designing segments for specific cohorts (examples pop from NY whose liv is more than 2000, etc.) cohorts defined by marketing team and they can design experiences for those specific cohorts.
On the other hand one-to one experiences, 50K skis in a catalog but in email only have room for 4 product recommendations - how to decide what to send to each individual recipient.
Two main challenges for omni-channel:
Data sets are disconnected (VP of sears), unified view of the customer, easy and light weight, not a 6 month integration project
having the unified data how do marketers design experiences w/o needing a developer.
Implementation projects: how do u make them lightweight?
They are a DMP that can connect to any platform (connect to bluekai, etc.) for example CRM software API’s and normalize the data on their end so their PS team can take the work instead of customer IT team. Any technical connector or API.
They have not encountered data which could not be pulled in, however legacy systems can be disconnected themselves. Dynamic Yield developers can, and have built customer connectors or API's for clients in the past.
Things are getting more connected - Demandware/SFDC: SF wants to own the end-end experience and API is the answer.
The bigger problem they help solve is before technical aspect even - marketing people need to figure out how to design the experiences even with all the right data, workshop and whiteboard planning included.